burrata with roasted vine-ripened tomatoes and pesto

Tomatobasil, and mozzarella is a classic combination that’s perfect for summer, when tomatoes and basil are at their peak.  This quick and easy appetizer is extra special when you use fresh burrata*, a fresh Italian cheese made by stuffing mozzarella with a mixture of more mozzarella and cream.  On the outside, the burrata looks like mozzarella, but on the inside it is oozing with soft creamy goodness.  It has a clean, milky taste that goes well with sweet roasted vine-ripened tomatoes and the slight saltiness of the basil pesto.

There is really no recipe.  All you do is lightly coat the tomatoes with extra-virgin olive oil, season with a salt, and roast in a 400-degree oven for approximately 5-8 minutes, until the skin is just blistered. While the tomatoes are roasting, take a couple of tablespoons of your favorite pesto and spread on a serving plate.  Place the burrata on the plate, add the roasted tomatoes, garnish with some fresh basil, and serve with some crusty bread.  It’s that easy!  Your guests will surely enjoy this beautiful appetizer and the extra time you spend with them and not in the kitchen.

*Note: Aside from specialty cheese shops, I often find burrata at Whole Foods.  Since burrata is a fresh cheese, it has a fairly short shelf life.  Enjoy it within a few days of purchase.

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9 thoughts on “burrata with roasted vine-ripened tomatoes and pesto

  1. Pingback: Insalata di burrata | Mon Food Blog

  2. I had burrata for the first time when I was in San Fran! My cheese-lovin’ friend introduced me to it, but we just ate it with sourdough — adding pesto and tomatoes would have been a brilliant pairing!

    I really like your presentation on this appetizer, too — something about an artfully done “smear” across a plate is just really classic and appealing. 🙂

    • Burrata’s one of my favorites. It’s so creamy and silky and great. I can eat it plain, but I do like the pesto and some great tomatoes. Yummy!

  3. It’s funny — you haven’t been showing up in my feed. Which actually isn’t funny, it’s TRAGIC. I *adore* burrata. I had an interesting appetizer at one of Ottolenghi’s restaurants here of burrata with micro basil, grapefruit, and toasted caraway seeds. Actually a pretty memorable combo.
