Disclaimers and Licenses

General Disclaimer

This is my personal blog and the thoughts and opinions expressed here are my own, not anyone else’s, especially not my employer.

Since this is my blog, I reserve the right to edit or delete any comments submitted that I deem to be spam, profane, offensive and abusive. This is meant to be fun.

Product Review Disclaimer

As the owner of this blog, I receive free products from time to time. I will post in a clear manner when I review and/or give away a product that I received for free. Receiving compensation in the form of a “free” product does NOT affect my opinions in any way. I will provide 100% honest feedback about the products being reviewed. Acceptance of free products does not guarantee a review.

I do not accept any liability from the purchase or use of any products reviewed on this blog. 

Copyright and License

© Daisy’s World, 2011-2013. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Daisy’s World with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Creative Commons License

Daisy’s World by Daisy Thompson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

18 thoughts on “Disclaimers and Licenses

  1. Daisy, would love to show a pic of your raised beds in a slide presentation I am doing soon, and I understand if the answer is no. I get intellectual property!

  2. Pingback: santa hat brownies | daisy's world

  3. Pingback: Page not found « daisy's world

  4. Hi Daisy
    I am in Perth Australia and I have just found your beautiful site. You have some beautiful recipes and photos. I am starting a small Mums business to provide fresh school lunches for children and love your strawberry, mango, and kiwi ice pops photo. I have tried to make them myself to then photograph to use as part of our marketing but it hasn’t worked so well. We are only small so I can not afford a food stylist and photographer. Is there anyway we could use your photo if we put a link to your site with acknowledgement? It is such a fresh and fantastic photo which symbolises all we are trying to achieve.
    Many thanks

  5. Hi Daisy

    Love your blog it is amazing. I was wondering if you could send me your email address as I am working on a project that you might be interested in. I look forward to hearing from you.


  6. I love your blog! Sadly I found out some people putting your photos on FB as own creations… I told them that is not the way, but silence was the reaction… Hate when people do that… Any experience or good thoughts about protecting our blogs?

    • Sorry for the late reply. I just found your comment. Well, one way to deter people from using photos without credit is to put a watermark on one corner of the photo with the blog address or something. I thought about it, but I guess the conclusion I came to is that if I don’t want people to “misuse” my photos and words, I shouldn’t put it on the internet. Fortunately, the majority of people do the right thing.


      • Daisy, I am an independent rep for a company called Jewelry in Candles, and I make a lot of my own graphics for my online parties and my business page. I was wondering if I put your copyright or watermark on the strawberry kiwi mango frozen pops photo if I could use it as a background for a promotional graphic for a new scent release?
        Thank you,

  7. Hi Daisy, Kim from Wivesunscripted.com I apologize for not giving proper credit to your santa hat picture. The picture is used so much on the internet, and that is where I found it 🙂 I have revised. Thanks so much– Love your blog by the way!

  8. Hi Daisy, I think I jumped the gun and used your santa hat photo in my blog before I read this information (literally, I hit “publish” a minute ago). I already have your photo linked to you website, so I hope that you are ok with it. Please let me know if I should make any changes and I’ll be happy to do so. So sorry for the inconvenience!
    BTW, they are so cute!


    • Thanks for letting me know. Since you’ve linked back to my blog, it’s fine! All I really ask is a photo credit and a link back. I hope you make the brownies and enjoy them.


    • Penny,

      Glad to hear your version of the brownies were a hit. Did you make the mascarpone buttercream or did you use another type of frosting?

      Yes, you may use the image with a link back to my blog. Thank you so much for letting me know.

      Best regards, Daisy

      • Thanks Daisy.
        Actually I was a bit time poor & in the end used whipped cream in a can. Worked just as well I thought & some of the older kids could help out & have a go at using the cream in the can which caused quite a few giggles!!

  9. Hi! My name is Josefine and I’m a interior designer from Sweden. I wonder if I can use one of your pictures (santa hat brownies) in my blog? I’m a big fan of your work and I think you have an inspirational blog!


  10. I would like to use the photos of Emmanuel and Leroy Mayne, on my genealogy page; on our web page 3d Iowa Cavalry Reenactors Inc. I am trying to get the men of the 3d Ia cav in one place.

    I will include genealogy information on them as well as their service records.

    Could you email me the photos and how you want me credit your site.

    I look forward to hearing from you.
